Tk::Treeplus - HList mit Sortierung, Filter und veränderlichen Spalten

Tk::Treeplus ist die HList, die man immer sucht. Die Titelzeilen können in der Größe verändert werden, Spalten können gefiltert und sortiert werden. Die Sortierung sowie die Filterung werden über einen Indikator in den Titelzeilen angezeigt. Mehr noch: das Kopieren der Inhalte der HList wird ebenfalls per Kontextmenu angeboten.

Beispiel aus der Manpage


use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Treeplus;

my $mw = MainWindow->new(
	-title => 'Treeplus Demo', 
	-width => 800, 
	-height=> 600,

my $hlist = $mw->Scrolled('Treeplus',
    -columns => 5,
    -width => 70, -height => 30,
    -browsecmd => sub { print "DBG: browsecmd [".((caller(0))[3])."] with >@_<\n";  },
    -wrapsearch => 1,
)->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'both');

      -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
      -text => 'ColorName',
      -activeforeground => 'white',
      -is_primary_column => 1,
      -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
      -text => 'Red Value',
      -activebackground => 'orange',
      -resize_column => 1,
#      -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
      -text => 'Green Value',
      -background => 'khaki',
      -foreground => 'red',
      -command => sub { print("Hello World >@_<, pressed Header #2\n"); },
      -resize_column => 1,
#      -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
      -text => 'Blue Value',
      -activebackground => 'skyblue',
      # NOTE: The prototyping ($$) is MANDATORY for this search-func to work !!!
      -sort_func_cb => sub ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_;
                                  print "EXT: a=>$a<>" . join(',',@$a) . "<\n";
                                  $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] },
#       -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
      -text => 'ColorID',
      -sort_numeric => 1,
      -resize_column => 1,
my $image = $hlist->Pixmap(-data => <<'img_demo_EOP'
/* XPM */
static char *Up[] = {
"8 5 3 1",
". c none",
"X c black",
"Y c red",
my $style = $hlist->ItemStyle(qw(imagetext -padx 0 -pady 5 -anchor nw -background forestgreen));
my $child;
foreach (qw( orange red green blue purple wheat)) {
    my ($r, $g, $b) = $mw->rgb($_);
    $hlist->add($_, -data => 'data+' . $_, (/blue/ ? (-itemtype => 'imagetext') : ()) );
    $hlist->itemCreate($_, 0, -text => $_, (/blue/ ? (-itemtype => 'imagetext', -image => $image) : ()));
    $hlist->itemCreate($_, 1, -text => sprintf("%#x", $r), style => $style);
    $hlist->itemCreate($_, 2, -text => sprintf("%#x", $g));
    $hlist->itemCreate($_, 3, -text => sprintf("%#x", $b));
    $hlist->itemCreate($_, 4, -text => sprintf("%d", (($r<<16) | ($b<<8) | ($g)) ));
# Create smoe more dummy entries
foreach (qw(red green blue)) {
    $child = $hlist->addchild('purple', -data => 'data+purple+' . $_);
    create_columns($child, $_);
foreach (qw(cyan magenta yellow)) {
    my $gchild = $hlist->addchild($child, -data => 'data+'.$child.'+' . $_);
    create_columns($gchild, $_);
### Uncomment either none, #1 or #2 for different scenarios
# #1 Test for single closed branch
#$hlist->setmode($child, 'close');
# #2 Test for 'full tree mode'
# Refresh the content - sort according primary sort columns
    -text => 'Exit',
    -command => sub { exit(0) },
)->pack(qw(-side bottom -pady 10)); 


sub create_columns {
    my ($path, $value) = @_;
    my ($r, $g, $b) = $mw->rgb($_);
    $hlist->itemCreate($path, 0, -text => $value);
    $hlist->itemCreate($path, 1, -text => sprintf("%#x", $r));
    $hlist->itemCreate($path, 2, -text => sprintf("%#x", $g));
    $hlist->itemCreate($path, 3, -text => sprintf("%#x", $b));
    $hlist->itemCreate($path, 4, -text => sprintf("%d", (($r<<16) | ($b<<8) | ($g)) ));
} # /create_columns